Zenji Nio - Reviver of Samurai Buddhism

"World-renowned expert in Japanese Buddhism - when he speaks the world listens" - Hitavada Newspaper

"The Foremost Buddhist expert in the world' - Indian Express "The only expert from lineage of Bodhidharma" - Times of India

Facts about Zenji Nio

1] Zenji Nio is the ONLY Indian origin Buddhist expert to make an impact on the world stage in the last 1200 years. Zenji is the ONLY Buddhist recognized by the Government of India as the Custodian of the Buddha Relics and the Abbot of 36 Heritage Temples of National Importance -- given the same signage of the historic sites associated with the historic Buddha. Zenji Nio hails from an erudite Indian Brahmin family linked to Nobel-laureate Tagore who said "the height of Indian civilization, art, culture and imperial power was under the rise and influence of Buddhism. Can't one person of Indian origin make it a mission in life to reclaim our Buddhist heritage"? Tagore worked with Japanese Samurai Okakura Tenshin and Japanese monk Fuji-san to re-establish Buddhism in India after every trace of it was wiped out in history's worst genocide. Zenji's grandfather worked closely with the same Japanese experts and helped patronize the first Japanese Buddhist temples in India. As there is nothing called "Indian Buddhism" per se for over 1500 years, Zenji Nio is an expert in Japanese Buddhism and continues the lineage of Bodhidharma -- who though being of Indian origin is the cultural mascot of Japan and unknown in India. Similarly, Zenji Nio practices and promotes Japanese Buddhism as there is absolutely no Buddhism in India for over a millennia.

2] Zenji Nio is the ONLY Buddhist ever to serve as the Buddhist chaplain at 4 Olympics and Paralympic Games where he set an all-time record of working with more medalists than any motivational coach in history. Zenji Nio's motivational style and revival of Samurai Buddhism appealed to delegations of all nations. Further, Zenji Nio is the ONLY person to conduct prayer sessions for official delegations of all Buddhist nations including rival superpowers Japan, China and Korea. That Zenji Nio is taken seriously by all 3 Buddhist superpowers as well as ambassadors of the Royal families of Thailand and Bhutan shows that ONLY Zenji Nio has the ability to represent the Asian Buddhist Diaspora and is actively doing so across multiple platforms.

3] Zenji Nio is the only Western born Buddhist to speak before a live audience of over 1 million people at the biggest ever tribute to saint Ambedkar organized by the Government of India and Japan and attended by monks from all Buddhist nations.

4] Zenji Nio's Buddhist Art Exhibit "Enlightenment" was dubbed "the most successful Asian Art Exhibit ever held" and was inaugurated by the Ministers of Immigration and Citizenship as well as praised by the Lt. Governor and HEAD of Royal Ontario Museum on behalf of the Queen. Zenji is now in talks to launch Buddhist museums and exhibits in key Buddhist nations of Japan and Korea.

5] Zenji Nio organized the first ever Multifaith Commemoration of the Shoah (Jewish Holocaust) in concert with the Simon Wiesenthal Center and is the first Buddhist to bring attention to the Buddhist Extinction of South Asia - history's worst ever genocide. Zenji Nio is producing the Schindler List of Buddhism - shot in every Buddhist nation and telling the story of how Buddhism was genocided and erased in India.

6] Zenji Nio and his Team get the most Buddhist engagement on X and is the strongest Buddhist voice to stand up against Hindu Nationalists that attack all minorities as well as "Western Buddhists" that try to dilute and distort Buddhist traditions of Asians. So while most Buddhists just focus on empty virtue signalling and feel good Kumbaya, Zenji Nio is actually doing the heavy lifting work of a modern-day Dharmapala.

7] Zenji Nio has helped raise millions for Indian-charities run by Hindus and has interacted with the top Hindu leaders. However, when the Hindutva or Hindu Nazis started attacking Buddhism in all ways possible -- from actual attacks on Buddhist holy sites to vile propaganda against Buddha, Zenji Nio realized its more important to defend Buddhism and Buddhists with the truth than just go along to get along.

The PEW Forum feels Buddhism is under threat and yet not one Buddhist has the guts to stand up and issue a Lion's Roar for Buddha. As Zenji's own ancestors were burned in the Buddhist Genocide, and as only Zenji has global Buddhist appeal from actual Asians who make up 99% of Buddhists worldwide, Zenji Nio alone is redefining Buddhism as a serious no BS strong religion instead of the hippy dippy mumbo jumbo it has come to represent. MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON!