Samurai Buddhism Legacy
Rev. Zenji Nio explains key tenets of Samurai Buddhism

Main Tenets of Samurai Buddhism: SUMMARY
1] Virya Paramita & Code of Bushido: or Heroism and Courage is the highest Paramita or virtue. It is MORE important than all other virtues. Life is full of challenges and battles, so FIRST cultivate heroism and toughness -- everything else comes thereafter. We thus follow the Code of Bushido where there is BOTH Heroism and compassion but heroism is FAR more important.
2] The WARRIOR prototype is the IDEAL. Buddhism was NOT founded by hippies or stateless Lamas but by WARRIORS. Ashoka, Menander, Shotoku, Kublai Khan, Wu Zetien and Tokugawa had the biggest impact on Buddhism and they were WARRIORS, NOT WIMPS. In the Lotus Sutra, Buddha equates the best devotee with the greatest warrior or General and so a Buddhist's job is not to grovel but to roar like a Lion. In all texts, Buddha's commandments are issued with a LION'S ROAR which shows dominance and alpha energy -- not fawning prostrations of hippies and wimps.
3] Key Sutras: We honor the Fudo, Lotus and Nirvana Sutras as Cardinal sutras -- along with all other Mahayana Bodhisattvayana and Mantrayana teachings from Golden Light Sutra to Lion's Roar of Srimala Sutra -- AS LONG AS THEY stress the tough, alpha, NO BS warrior message of Buddhism. In all matters, we must NEVER project weakness by virtue-signalling kumbaya mumbo jumbo but always remember that Buddhist Teachings must be delivered with the ROAR OF A LION. We also honour the Amida Sutras as Seishi Bosatsu is equated with Vajrapani and the Nio Guardians and Amida excludes all enemies of Buddhism who Slander the Law. As far as possible, we prefer to not engage in hostility with other Buddhist sects as we aim for harmony taught by Prince Shotoku. That said, in case of any argument, we must side with the Mahayana and the warrior traditions of the Samurai, Shaolin & Ninja. Further, there MUST be sutra citations and so we DISMISS sayings by Dalai Lama, Thuch Nhat Hanh & "Western Buddhist" authors that are made up to appeal to the hippie donors but violate the actual teachings of the Buddha.
4] BATTLING ENEMIES: In the Nirvana Sutra, Buddha says that the highest karma of all is to FIGHT for Buddhism and against the enemies of Buddhism -- even saying that the greatest merit Buddha ever achieved in previous lives was to engage in mortal combat with Hindu Brahmins who attacked Buddhism via genocide and propaganda. This is why the Samurai turned the tables on Christian invaders by banishing them from Japan and ordering every family to only honor Buddhist deities and no other religious texts or deities. We MUST be able to debate the infidels and heretics that insult Buddhism in a firm and factual manner. Per Srimala's 9th Vow - we must be ready to confront and correct the enemies of the Saddharma. The battle also extended to fighting caste supremacists who oppress Dalits that were the original subjects of Ashoka.
5] Physical and Martial Prowess: In honor of Bodhidharma and the Shaolin/Samurai tradition, we MUST work out daily and also practice martial arts kathas. We MUST teach our kids the art of self-defense and combat. We MUST not be "weak, betacuck pacifists" but alpha warriors capable of defending ourselves and our loved ones.
6] EXCLUSIVE ALLEGIANCE: Samurai Buddhists are NOT allowed to follow ANY other religious text or tradition -- a commandment Buddha also makes in both the Lotus and Nirvana Sutras. Therefore while we can have cordial relations with people of all faiths, we can NEVER bow to ANY deity or chant ANY mantra except Buddhist deities and mantras.
7] Real-world vs monastics: In the Vimalkirti Nirdesa Sutra, Buddha makes it clear that one does not need to be a monastic in a temple but can wear a suit and make an impact in the real world. Some of the greatest Buddhist saints like Kukai, Shinran and even Ambedkar are known for transforming society and making a difference in the real world instead of just virtue signalling in monasteries and temples. While we do wear kimonos at formal events where possible, we do NOT see monks as superior to laity.
8] Daily Practice: By edicts of Emperor Tenmu, we MUST keep a Buddhist altar or Butsudan where we honor Almighty Fudo, or Amida or Kannon or any of the Buddhist deities we connect with. We MUST chant the right mantras in the morning and night. And we MUST PROUDLY wear or carry with us at least 1 ojuzu or Buddhist mala or pendant or sacred item so that we always honor our Samurai Buddhist culture and heritage. We must PROUDLY call ourselves Buddhist and even specify Samurai Buddhism when asked.
9] Asian Buddhist culture: We MUST support Buddhist and Asian art, culture and community activities the best way we can through financial donations or volunteering time and energy. We MUST support Buddhist or Asian cultural activities, costumes and traditions when possible. Our primary Cultural Capital is Japan but we can also honor the culture of China, Korea, Vietnam and East Asia in general as a priority. In addition, we can honor and support Buddhists of Bhutan, Mongolia and other Buddhist nations as long as they honor and respect the Bushido Code and Martial-based Alpha Buddhism of Bodhidharma and the Samurai.
10 Devotion: Above all, we must have true love and devotion for the historic Buddha as our eternal Father and Teacher, for Almighty Fudo as our Protector, for Amida as our Savior and for all deities and saints. In addition, we must have strict allegiance to the Tokugawa and Shingen families and respect for all the great Samurai. Further, we honor Bodhidharma as our Patron Saint and Babasaheb Ambedkar for bringing Buddhism back to India along with the Japanese monks. Ambedkar is also honored at Koyasan and we see Japan as the holy land, Koyasan, Kamakura and Nara as the most sacred places on earth. We also cherish Prince Shotoku -- the most important Buddhist dynasty in history as well Korean and Chinese dynasties that influenced Japanese Buddhism. We aim to build cultural ties between Buddhists led by Japan, China and Korea.