Zenji Nio explains why Japan is the Capital of Buddhism
Japan is the Capital of Buddhism
The Chief Architect of India's Constitution Ambedkar said India can never be the homeland of Buddhists as the history of India is nothing but the genocide of Buddhists by Hindus. Hence, Japan is the defacto Buddhist Capital -- and it was Japan that even brought Buddhism back to India - spending billions of the preservation of India's Buddhist sites that were in ruins. Even today, a Japanese monk Bhante Sasai-san is the head of Buddhism in India, and Samurai Okakura Tenshin and Japanese Buddhist Fuji-san were most instrumental in building Buddhist monuments across India in the 20th century. As a result, even in India, affluent Buddhists call themselves devotees of "Japanese Buddhism" and Ambedkarites see Japanese Bhante Sasai as the Head of their movement.
1] Japan was described by Masaharu as the true Buddhist nation that must promote Buddhism worldwide as Japanese soft power & today Japanese Buddhism is the most widely practiced school of Buddhism across the world. Japan also has the highest percentage of Buddhists and the world's most widely visited Buddhist temples Asakusa Kannon and Narita Sensoji -- both patronized and protected by the Samurai and prime centers of Samurai Buddhism.
2] As Japan was never colonized, it still has the world's oldest Buddhist temples in continuous operation from the 6th century CE - as well as the world's largest Buddhist temple Todaiji. Japan also boasts Kyoto which has 1600 Buddhist temples alone and Japan's culture of honor, virtue, cleanliness and politeness makes it the best ambassador for Buddhism.
3] After Buddhism was holocausted in India around the 6th century, Bodhidharma founded Shaolin Kung Fu in China and then moved to Japan where he met Prince Shotoku and became the Cultural mascot of Japan. Prince Shotoku became the Chakravartin and his Yamato dynasty promoted Buddhism for 1500 years which is much longer than any other dynasty in history. During this period, the Yamato clan were closely associated with the Samurai and so Japan is the most important Buddhist civilization.
4] China is the nation that did the most to birth Buddhist texts and traditions that were perfected by the Tang Dynasty and Japan best preserved the Golden Age of Asian Buddhism. As there is absolutely no Buddhist culture in India for over 1200 years, only G7 Japan and Superpower China can lead Buddhism in to the future. There are close parallels thus birthing Sino-Japanese Buddhism.